Tags for මෘදුකාංග ඉංජිනේරු

git × 12
java × 11
code-quality × 11
coding-style × 11
design × 11
c++ × 9
c × 8
skills × 7
javascript × 7
c# × 6
management × 6
python × 6
.net × 5
history × 5
tdd × 4
teamwork × 4
github × 4
sql × 4
branching × 4
licensing × 4
api × 4
interfaces × 3
interview × 3
database × 3
api-design × 3
html × 3
algorithms × 3
globals × 3
mysql × 3
naming × 3
conditions × 3
clean-code × 3
linux × 3
comments × 3
es6 × 2
rest × 2
rewrite × 2
exceptions × 2
experience × 2
kernel × 2
pricing × 2
workflows × 2
learning × 2
parameters × 2
packages × 2
mercurial × 2
mvc × 2
compiler × 2
c++11 × 2
state × 2
debugging × 2
builds × 2
syntax × 2
asp.net × 2
testing × 2
webforms × 2
team × 2
solid × 2
tsql × 1
unicode × 1
upgrade × 1
tools × 1
perl × 1
trust × 1
php × 1
variables × 1
nosql × 1
winforms × 1
windows × 1
null × 1
numbers × 1
versioning × 1
opengl × 1
validation × 1
utf-8 × 1
postgres × 1
oracle × 1
unix × 1
sdk × 1
python-3.x × 1
qt × 1
quotations × 1
sql-server × 1
spring × 1
release × 1
scheme × 1
sdlc × 1
semantics × 1
shortcuts × 1
software × 1
pointers × 1
standards × 1
startup × 1
puzzles × 1
prolog × 1
storage × 1
project × 1
struct × 1
svn × 1
teaching × 1
delivery × 1
coupling × 1
crud × 1
css × 1
currying × 1
d × 1
deadlines × 1
definition × 1
directx × 1
dvcs × 1
education × 1
effort × 1
endianness × 1
errors × 1
estimation × 1
etiquette × 1
ado.net × 1
advantages × 1
agile × 1
agpl × 1
amazon-ec2 × 1
azure × 1
bad-code × 1
bug × 1
bug-report × 1
business × 1
evaluation × 1
caching × 1
class × 1
cli × 1
closures × 1
code-smell × 1
community × 1
libraries × 1
industry × 1
io.js × 1
layers × 1
legacy × 1
legal × 1
http × 1
lisp × 1
maven × 1
memory × 1
merging × 1
modules × 1
mono × 1
functions × 1
factory × 1
failure × 1
files × 1
focus × 1
frameworks × 1
free-time × 1
freeware × 1
gcc × 1
gpl × 1
hacking × 1
hardware × 1
hashing × 1
haskell × 1
html5 × 1
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