පහත දැක්වෙන්නේ බයිට් වෙනස්වීම් පමණක් නොව බයිට් එකතු කිරීම් / මකාදැමීම් ද සැලකිල්ලට ගනිමින් ද්විමය වෙනසක් සිදු කරන වර්ණ බින්ඩිෆ් ය. (මෙහි යෝජනා කර ඇති බොහෝ විසඳුම් හසුරුවන්නේ බයිට් වෙනස් වීම් පමණි) එය GitHub වෙතින් ද ලබා ගත හැකිය .
එය වර්ණ සමඟ ප්රති side ල පෙන්වයි, මෙය විශ්ලේෂණයට බෙහෙවින් පහසුකම් සපයයි.
colorbindiff ප්රතිදාන සැණරුව
එය භාවිතා කිරීමට:
perl colorbindiff.pl FILE1 FILE2
# VBINDIFF.PL : A side-by-side visual diff for binary files.
# Consult usage subroutine below for help.
# Copyright (C) 2020 Jerome Lelasseux jl@jjazzlab.com
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(colorstrip colored);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use constant BLANK => "..";
use constant BUFSIZE => 64 * 1024; # 64kB
sub usage
print "USAGE: $0 [OPTIONS] FILE1 FILE2\n";
print "Show a side-by-side binary comparison of FILE1 and FILE2. Show byte modifications but also additions and deletions, whatever the number of changed bytes. Rely on the 'diff' external command such as found on Linux or Cygwin. The algorithm is not suited for large and very different files.\n";
print "Author: Jerome Lelasseux \@2021\n";
print "OPTIONS: \n";
print " --cols=N : display N columns of bytes.diff Default is 16.\n";
print " --no-color : don't colorize output. Needed if you view the output in an editor.\n";
print " --no-marker : don't use the change markers (+ for addition, - for deletion, * for modified).\n";
print " --no-ascii : don't show the ascii columns.\n";
print " --only-changes : only display lines with changes.\n";
# Command line arguments
my $maxCols=16;
my $noColor=0;
my $noMarker=0;
my $noAscii=0;
my $noCommon=0;
'cols=i' => \$maxCols,
'no-ascii' => \$noAscii,
'no-color' => \$noColor,
'no-marker' => \$noMarker,
'only-changes' => \$noCommon
) or usage();
usage() unless ($#ARGV == 1);
my ($file1, $file2) = (@ARGV);
# Convert input files into hex lists
my $fileHex1 = createHexListFile($file1);
my $fileHex2 = createHexListFile($file2);
# Process diff -y output to get an easy-to-read side-by-side view
my $colIndex=0;
my $oldPtr=0;
my $newPtr=0;
my $oldLineBuffer = sprintf("0x%04X ", 0);
my $newLineBuffer = sprintf("0x%04X ", 0);
my $oldCharBuffer;
my $newCharBuffer;
my $isDeleting=0;
my $isAdding=0;
my $isUnchangedLine=1;
open(my $fh, '-|', qq(diff -y $fileHex1 $fileHex2)) or die $!;
while (<$fh>)
# Parse line by line the output of the 'diff -y' on the 2 hex list files.
# We expect:
# "xx | yy" for a modified byte
# " > yy" for an added byte
# "xx <" for a deleted byte
# "xx xx" for identicial bytes
my ($oldByte, $newByte);
my ($oldChar, $newChar);
if (/\|/)
# changed
if ($isDeleting || $isAdding)
$oldByte=formatByte($1, 3);
$newByte=formatByte($3, 3);
} elsif (/</)
# deleted in new
if ($isAdding)
$oldByte=formatByte($1, 2);
$oldChar=toPrintableChar($1, 2);
$newByte=formatByte(BLANK, 2);
$newChar=colorize(".", 2);
} elsif (/>/)
# added in new
if ($isDeleting)
$oldByte=formatByte(BLANK, 1);
$oldChar=colorize(".", 1);
$newByte=formatByte($1, 1);
$newChar=toPrintableChar($1, 1);
# unchanged
if ($isDeleting || $isAdding)
$oldByte=formatByte($1, 0);
$oldChar=toPrintableChar($1, 0);
$newByte=formatByte($3, 0);
$newChar=toPrintableChar($3, 0);
# Append the bytes to the old and new buffers
$oldLineBuffer .= $oldByte;
$oldCharBuffer .= $oldChar;
$newLineBuffer .= $newByte;
$newCharBuffer .= $newChar;
if ($colIndex == $maxCols)
printLine($colIndex); # Possible remaining line
# subroutines
# $1 a string representing a data byte
# $2 0=unchanged, 1=added, 2=deleted, 3=changed
# return the formatted string (color/maker)
sub formatByte
my ($byte, $type) = @_;
my $res;
if (!$noMarker)
if ($type == 0 || $byte eq BLANK) { $res = " " . $byte; } # unchanged or blank
elsif ($type == 1) { $res = " +" . $byte; } # added
elsif ($type == 2) { $res = " -" . $byte; } # deleted
elsif ($type == 3) { $res = " *" . $byte; } # changed
else { die "Error"; }
} else
$res = " " . $byte;
$res = colorize($res, $type);
return $res;
# $1 a string
# $2 0=unchanged, 1=added, 2=deleted, 3=changed
# return the colorized string according to $2
sub colorize
my ($res, $type) = @_;
if (!$noColor)
if ($type == 0) { } # unchanged
elsif ($type == 1) { $res = colored($res, 'bright_green'); } # added
elsif ($type == 2) { $res = colored($res, 'bright_red'); } # deleted
elsif ($type == 3) { $res = colored($res, 'bright_cyan'); } # changed
else { die "Error"; }
return $res;
# Print the buffered line
sub printLine
if (length($oldLineBuffer) <=10)
return; # no data to display
if (!$isUnchangedLine)
# Colorize and add a marker to the address of each line if some bytes are changed/added/deleted
my $prefix = substr($oldLineBuffer, 0, 6) . ($noMarker ? " " : "*");
$prefix = colored($prefix, 'magenta') unless $noColor;
$oldLineBuffer =~ s/^......./$prefix/;
$prefix = substr($newLineBuffer, 0, 6) . ($noMarker ? " " : "*");
$prefix = colored($prefix, 'magenta') unless $noColor;
$newLineBuffer =~ s/^......./$prefix/;
my $oldCBuf = $noAscii ? "" : $oldCharBuffer;
my $newCBuf = $noAscii ? "" : $newCharBuffer;
my $spacerChars = $noAscii ? "" : (" " x ($maxCols - $colIndex));
my $spacerData = ($noMarker ? " " : " ") x ($maxCols - $colIndex);
if (!($noCommon && $isUnchangedLine))
print "${oldLineBuffer}${spacerData} ${oldCBuf}${spacerChars} ${newLineBuffer}${spacerData} ${newCBuf}\n";
# reset buffers and counters
$oldLineBuffer = sprintf("0x%04X ", $oldPtr);
$newLineBuffer = sprintf("0x%04X ", $newPtr);
$oldCharBuffer = "";
$newCharBuffer = "";
# Convert a hex byte string into a printable char, or '.'.
# $1 = hex str such as A0
# $2 0=unchanged, 1=added, 2=deleted, 3=changed
# return the corresponding char, possibly colorized
sub toPrintableChar
my ($hexByte, $type) = @_;
my $char = chr(hex($hexByte));
$char = ($char =~ /[[:print:]]/) ? $char : ".";
return colorize($char, $type);
# Convert file $1 into a text file with 1 hex byte per line.
# $1=input file name
# return the output file name
sub createHexListFile
my ($inFileName) = @_;
my $buffer;
my $in_fh;
open($in_fh, "<:raw", $inFileName) || die "$0: cannot open $inFileName for reading: $!";
my ($out_fh, $filename) = tempfile();
while (my $nbReadBytes = read($in_fh, $buffer, BUFSIZE))
my @hexBytes = unpack("H2" x $nbReadBytes, $buffer);
foreach my $hexByte (@hexBytes)
print $out_fh "$hexByte\n" || die "couldn't write to $out_fh: $!";
return $filename;