අවාසනාවට, පයිතන්ට තවමත් නියතයන් නොමැති අතර එය ලැජ්ජාවකි. ES6 දැනටමත් ජාවාස්ක්රිප්ට් ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const ) සඳහා ආධාරක නියතයන් එකතු කර ඇති බැවින් එය ඕනෑම ක්රමලේඛන භාෂාවක ඉතා ප්රයෝජනවත් දෙයකි. පයිතන් ප්රජාවේ වෙනත් පිළිතුරු වල පිළිතුරු ලෙස සම්මුතිය භාවිතා කරන්න - පරිශීලක ලොකු විචල්යය නියත ලෙස භාවිතා කරයි, නමුත් එය කේතයේ අත්තනෝමතික දෝෂ වලින් ආරක්ෂා නොවේ. ඔබ කැමති නම්, ඊළඟට ඔබට තනි ගොනු විසඳුමක් ප්රයෝජනවත් වනු ඇත (ලේඛනාගාරය එය භාවිතා කරන ආකාරය බලන්න).
file constants.py
import collections
__all__ = ('const', )
class Constant(object):
Implementation strict constants in Python 3.
A constant can be set up, but can not be changed or deleted.
Value of constant may any immutable type, as well as list or set.
Besides if value of a constant is list or set, it will be converted in an immutable type as next:
list -> tuple
set -> frozenset
Dict as value of a constant has no support.
>>> const = Constant()
>>> del const.temp
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'temp' is not defined
>>> const.temp = 1
>>> const.temp = 88
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Constanst can not be changed
>>> del const.temp
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Constanst can not be deleted
>>> const.I = ['a', 1, 1.2]
>>> print(const.I)
('a', 1, 1.2)
>>> const.F = {1.2}
>>> print(const.F)
>>> const.D = dict()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: dict can not be used as constant
>>> del const.UNDEFINED
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'UNDEFINED' is not defined
>>> const()
{'I': ('a', 1, 1.2), 'temp': 1, 'F': frozenset([1.2])}
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
"""Declaration a constant with value. If mutable - it will be converted to immutable, if possible.
If the constant already exists, then made prevent againt change it."""
if name in self.__dict__:
raise TypeError('Constanst can not be changed')
if not isinstance(value, collections.Hashable):
if isinstance(value, list):
value = tuple(value)
elif isinstance(value, set):
value = frozenset(value)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
raise TypeError('dict can not be used as constant')
raise ValueError('Muttable or custom type is not supported')
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __delattr__(self, name):
"""Deny against deleting a declared constant."""
if name in self.__dict__:
raise TypeError('Constanst can not be deleted')
raise NameError("name '%s' is not defined" % name)
def __call__(self):
"""Return all constans."""
return self.__dict__
const = Constant()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
මෙය ප්රමාණවත් නොවේ නම්, ඒ සඳහා සම්පූර්ණ ටෙස්ට්කේස් බලන්න.
import decimal
import uuid
import datetime
import unittest
from ..constants import Constant
class TestConstant(unittest.TestCase):
Test for implementation constants in the Python
def setUp(self):
self.const = Constant()
def tearDown(self):
del self.const
def test_create_constant_with_different_variants_of_name(self):
self.const.CONSTANT = 1
self.assertEqual(self.const.CONSTANT, 1)
self.const.Constant = 2
self.assertEqual(self.const.Constant, 2)
self.const.ConStAnT = 3
self.assertEqual(self.const.ConStAnT, 3)
self.const.constant = 4
self.assertEqual(self.const.constant, 4)
self.const.co_ns_ta_nt = 5
self.assertEqual(self.const.co_ns_ta_nt, 5)
self.const.constant1111 = 6
self.assertEqual(self.const.constant1111, 6)
def test_create_and_change_integer_constant(self):
self.const.INT = 1234
self.assertEqual(self.const.INT, 1234)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.INT = .211
def test_create_and_change_float_constant(self):
self.const.FLOAT = .1234
self.assertEqual(self.const.FLOAT, .1234)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.FLOAT = .211
def test_create_and_change_list_constant_but_saved_as_tuple(self):
self.const.LIST = [1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today(), [], {}]
self.assertEqual(self.const.LIST, (1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today(), [], {}))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.const.LIST, tuple))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.LIST = .211
def test_create_and_change_none_constant(self):
self.const.NONE = None
self.assertEqual(self.const.NONE, None)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.NONE = .211
def test_create_and_change_boolean_constant(self):
self.const.BOOLEAN = True
self.assertEqual(self.const.BOOLEAN, True)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.BOOLEAN = False
def test_create_and_change_string_constant(self):
self.const.STRING = "Text"
self.assertEqual(self.const.STRING, "Text")
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.STRING += '...'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.STRING = 'TEst1'
def test_create_dict_constant(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'dict can not be used as constant'):
self.const.DICT = {}
def test_create_and_change_tuple_constant(self):
self.const.TUPLE = (1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today(), [], {})
self.assertEqual(self.const.TUPLE, (1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today(), [], {}))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.TUPLE = 'TEst1'
def test_create_and_change_set_constant(self):
self.const.SET = {1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today()}
self.assertEqual(self.const.SET, {1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today()})
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.const.SET, frozenset))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.SET = 3212
def test_create_and_change_frozenset_constant(self):
self.const.FROZENSET = frozenset({1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today()})
self.assertEqual(self.const.FROZENSET, frozenset({1, .2, None, True, datetime.date.today()}))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.FROZENSET = True
def test_create_and_change_date_constant(self):
self.const.DATE = datetime.date(1111, 11, 11)
self.assertEqual(self.const.DATE, datetime.date(1111, 11, 11))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.DATE = True
def test_create_and_change_datetime_constant(self):
self.const.DATETIME = datetime.datetime(2000, 10, 10, 10, 10)
self.assertEqual(self.const.DATETIME, datetime.datetime(2000, 10, 10, 10, 10))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.DATETIME = None
def test_create_and_change_decimal_constant(self):
self.const.DECIMAL = decimal.Decimal(13123.12312312321)
self.assertEqual(self.const.DECIMAL, decimal.Decimal(13123.12312312321))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.DECIMAL = None
def test_create_and_change_timedelta_constant(self):
self.const.TIMEDELTA = datetime.timedelta(days=45)
self.assertEqual(self.const.TIMEDELTA, datetime.timedelta(days=45))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.TIMEDELTA = 1
def test_create_and_change_uuid_constant(self):
value = uuid.uuid4()
self.const.UUID = value
self.assertEqual(self.const.UUID, value)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be changed'):
self.const.UUID = []
def test_try_delete_defined_const(self):
self.const.VERSION = '0.0.1'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'Constanst can not be deleted'):
del self.const.VERSION
def test_try_delete_undefined_const(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(NameError, "name 'UNDEFINED' is not defined"):
del self.const.UNDEFINED
def test_get_all_defined_constants(self):
self.assertDictEqual(self.const(), {})
self.const.A = 1
self.assertDictEqual(self.const(), {'A': 1})
self.const.B = "Text"
self.assertDictEqual(self.const(), {'A': 1, 'B': "Text"})
වාසි: 1. සම්පූර්ණ ව්යාපෘතිය සඳහා සියලුම නියතයන්ට ප්රවේශ වීම 2. නියතයන්ගේ අගයන් සඳහා දැඩි පාලනය
අඩුපාඩු: 1. අභිරුචි වර්ග සහ 'ඩික්ට්' වර්ගය සඳහා සහය නොදක්වයි
Python3.4 සහ Python3.5 සමඟ පරීක්ෂා කර ඇත (මම ඒ සඳහා 'tox' භාවිතා කරමි)
පරීක්ෂණ පරිසරය:
$ uname -a
Linux wlysenko-Aspire 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux